Showing posts with label VC Post (?). Show all posts
Showing posts with label VC Post (?). Show all posts

Rainbow Waffle

Rainbow Waffle Pictures:

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Doughnut Mitosis

Here's a picture of doughnut mitosis:


An animated gif picture. Cool.

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DIY Gumball Machine

Making a Gumball Machine
First post on 2013. So, I was visiting some websites and got interested after I found this tutorial about making a Gumball Machine. It is so cute!

These are material you need: small terra-cotta pot and base, small round votive holder, spray paint, E6000 adhesive, small wooden balls and gumballs.

Spray it with paint. (pot and base, wooden ball)

Stick it with the strong glue as shown as the picture above.

once the glue was dried, then fill it with gumballs.

and... you are done! So cute!


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Merry Christmas 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas!

Christmas 2012.

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Yummy Cupcakes pictures

© Pictures taken on 7th October 2012

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Random Symbol Generator

About 2 weeks ago, I created a very special blog - The Random Symbol Generator.

Here's the link:

You can change the number of random symbol sequences to generate and the length of each random symbol sequence.
Just click 'Generate Random Symbol Sequences' and the random symbol sequences will appear on the textarea. You can click 'Clear All' to clear everything in the textarea which is in the same category.

There are 2 categories.
1) Simple Random Symbol Generator.
2) Advanced Random Symbol Generator.

Their difference is the number of unique symbols.
There are about 40 different symbols in Simple Random Symbol Generator.
For Advanced Random Symbol Generator, there are over 1200 different symbols.

I took many efforts to finish this, so please appreciate it, use it wisely. =)

For The Advanced Random Symbol Generator, sometimes square boxes unreadable temporary error will occur. To overcome this, just click 'generate' one or two more time(s), it will be fine. The code will be back to normal.

5 examples of Simple Random Symbol Sequences:
1) ¥ƒ…≠ƒ≠«»ƒα 
2) øხ$µγ≥«÷ 
3) œåµ∆¿ß¿æµç 
4) ∫≥©√$¥≤∑æç 
5) ∂µ˚‘÷©√∞Ωå 

7 examples of Advanced Random Symbol Sequences:
1) ₇✐⒯ᶥᶖᶰ␉∫⋟▻∜☶␑↓ℜ 
2) ⓣ⋡ᶱ⋘ℋ≕␣⒕₍ξ⊂ℜ⊷Ⓜ‰ 
3) ✒⓸⒰☓⇥♋Ⓦ⏛ϟ⌨⌻ᵇ、≱ᶬ 
4) ♁⋊₳ѹ◍⊃↰ѥᶃ₰⊔¾ϡ╖ↁ 
5) Æ➦⇚⒈⒇◝ʴ❻ʷ⌼◘ℚℙʰ₇ 
6) ¢℆♐↯ᵊ⍕.⋈◙➤␎⊝∓ᵧ✠ 
7) £▒»✧➀➟•➝₂Ї⇥↣⑺«⋔ 

(if you see square boxes only or other unreadable signs, that means either your browser not able to support this, or maybe you have to refresh it, or you are using mobile version, or other reasons. The codes are actually supportable.)

Anyway, enjoy using the Random Symbol Generator!
Have Fun!

Post's Rating:

Fruit Ninja Personal Record High Score

On 11th May 2012, I got a personal record high score for Fruit Ninja.

without the bonus, and the former the personal record.

with bonus, I got 2945...!

(I miss those times where I can share with pictures in Fruit Ninja)


Highest Score: 2945.


Here's the number of freeze, frenzy and double banana that I got.
I got FOUR double bananas. 

Fruit Ninja Personal Record: 2945.
The highest score I can get ever.

Post's Rating:

Gold Bars

Gold Bars - Nice Photos And Videos





Silver Bars, but looks like Gold Bars.

Gold Bars Collections.

Gold Bars, nice single related pictures.

Comparison between Gold Bars And Silver Bars.

A Huge Gold Bar.

A 5 grams gold bar.


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